Alcoholism The Cause The CureAlcoholism: The Cause & The CureThe 101 ProgramWhat our readers and those on
the program are saying!Testimonials"Hello!I just wanted to tell you that I finished the Krispy Kleen 8
week detox about a week ago. Your program was a life saver. I
have tried countless times to quit drinking, all unsuccessful.
Exercise alone did not help. I needed the nutritional and supplemental
support that is offered in the Krispy Kleen program. I want to
thank Ms. Petralli for taking the time and energy to compile
this program. Not only has my compulsive desire to get drunk
everyday disappeared, but I am now running 3-4 miles every day,
also quit smoking, I'm accomplishing things I thought I'd never
have the inspiration for, and making big life changes. I can't
thank you enough. This detox program is a real success, and everyone
with an alcohol problem should know about it. I can see the change
is permanent. Even my cravings for high-carb / high-sugar foods
has disappeared.I feel The 101 Program should have more exposure than she does.
I have already told several alcoholic relatives about it. Hopefully,
they'll take it seriously enough to embark on this journey. Getting
started is the hardest part (I received the shipment late December
but didn't get the guts to really start on it for real until
late February).Thanks again. Feel free to publish this testimony if you wish
from John G., Lancaster, PA."Regards,John
"After 20 years of
drinking myself to sleep every night, I approached this program
with trepidation and skepticism. However, with Genita's coaxing
and a well developed preparation week, I successfully stopped
drinking and had remarkably little or no impulse to commence
my old habit. A landmark program without the stigma of counseling
or meetings. Highly recommended."DD - Texas******
Hello!First of all, let me just
thank Ms. Petralli for making the effort to consolidate all this
extremely valuable information. I've been looking around for
quite some time for an alternative approach to fighting alcohol
abuse with no luck.I purchased the book a few nights ago and have been glued to
it ever since. I finished it last night, and I totally resonate
with its point of view. I have always considered diet to be the
most crucial factor in any problem.....I just never made the
sugar connection with my problem drinking.I am very excited about the 101 Program…thanks for all your
help.TS - Washington******Thank you, I got it, I've read it, I'm 3 days into this now &
she's absolutely right. I feel great, both mentally & physically
because of what I read & have done, and I'm only 3-days into
getting rid of my problem.LM - New Hampshire******Thank you for your patience and I have been dry now for 2 weeks
and have not felt the same pain as in previous occasions!! Thanks.AP - United Kingdom******Completed week 5 and am coasting to the Krispy Kleen finish line.
Not sure I'm going to do the two-day fast as I have already lost
15 lbs. Got my blood tested Friday and obtained results today.
Biggest surprise was my cholesterol that dropped from 275 to
188. My blood pressure also dropped from an average of 138/84
to 115/75. Looking forward to eating a little more variety. I
don't even think about drinking. It's simply a non issue.RegardsDD - Texas******
All is well. No desire
to drink whatsoever. Based on this program as well as the "eat
for you type" structure I've adopted, I've managed to shed
some of my chronic ills. For example, I've been battling a ringworm
problem on both feet (my cat!) for about three months using a
home remedy (bleach and oil or oregano) with little luck. Mysteriously,
the problem has suddenly cleared up on its own. I've also had
marked improvements in other chronic conditions such as prostate
discomfort, candidas (rectal itching) and dry eye. When I started
the program my blood pressure was 138 / 84 but this morning it
was down to 117 / 75. In a couple of weeks I will be getting
another blood test to assess the affect on my cholesterol.DD - Texas******Thank you for your kind note and I'm glad to discover this book
and the methodology behind it. I'm a smart, nice looking 49 year
old man with a good relationship, good home and much to be thankful
for. I'm also addicted to alcohol and have been alarmed over
the past several years to see my addiction grow with an alarming,
frightening rate. I'm experiencing everything I've read so far
in the book and already feel a sense of relief in knowing that
I'm not doomed and my life is over. I see that there's a reason
to be hopeful about the future now.******Thank you for your lengthy e-mail. It was most informative, and
I will check out the resources. I've been studying up on the
hypoglycemia connection myself (my doctor told me I have a 40%
chance of developing diabetes in the next 10 years, so have been
trying to change my eating habits.) I see some of these same
carbohydrate related signs in my teenage son.Keep up the great work!NS - Arizona******I'm very impressed with the biochemical approach. Cravings have
been bothering me for years and this is the first time I have
found a scientific approach to dealing with them. You are doing
important work. Thanks again!LM - California
******Thanks for all your help!!!! I finally got the program installed
and am very happy with the contents. I hereby bestow upon you
a medal for aid and assistance above the call of duty. Thanks
again.BT - Oregon******I had breast cancer 6 years ago and while on chemo and radiation,
compiled a personal supplement regime of over 35 vitamins, minerals
etc. Many I see are included in your supplements. I was focusing
on liver cleansing as the chemo needed to be cleansed out of
my system. I am always looking and doing periodic cleansing and
detox. I appreciate your approach and explanations of the body
functions etc. I feel this could be very valuable presented to
the cancer community as well for recovery from the toxic chemicals.
Many thanks once again.ML - New Mexico******Hello i received your second version and i think its great!!
… i cant wait to start the program. Thanks!EB - Connecticut******My husband and I have just finished reading the first chapter.
We both feel so relieved and happy we could just sit down and
cry. Thanks to all of you.Sincerely,LS - Montana******AA meetings are ridiculous, I recognized that right off the bat,
and they do leave you with a feeling of hopelessness that sticks,
until you read "Alcoholism: The Cause & The Cure".
It opened my eyes & mind to the truth. Knowing what's wrong
with you & having methods to heal it are what I looked for,
for several years. I gave up until recently, and happened on
your website.******The information Alcoholism: The Cause & The Cure provides
releases you from the depression and anxiety, the feeling that
you're doomed, that AA preaches. It makes you understand what's
happening to you & why, and how to change/stop it, and what
to expect along the way.EM - New York******Hi, I purchased your book about a month ago and found it quite
informing and must say it is helping me feel better.
******Thanks - already reading, seems to be a sensible solution.
******I have included the testimonials from those that did not find
AA helpful because it is an honest representation of the experiences
that many share. While AA has and does help people, it will never
replace treating the addiction in the holistic bio-medical way
it needs to be treated to heal it and that is why so many do
not find success in AA. I do not consider this the fault of AA
as it is a support group and not a treatment and many go to meetings
as a stand-alone treatment and that is where they go wrong. However,
it would be helpful if AA embraced the now proven fact that there
is a cure and would encourage people to begin the holistic treatments
that address the symptoms that make their lives miserable and
drive them back to drinking as well as the holistic treatments
such as this one that truly embody the cure.Change comes slow - I'm
just glad that you are here now!Site-mapAlcoholism: The
Cause & The Cure
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