Children's Mental Health Awareness Week May is Mental Health Month. The National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health again declares the first full week in May, May 4-10, 2008 as National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. The National Federation would like to invite all of its local chapters and statewide organizations to use this week to promote awareness about children’s mental health.
Join the national office in sending the following messages:Mental Health is essential to overall health and well being;Serious emotional and mental health disorders in children and youth are real and treatable;Children and youth with mental health challenges and their families deserve access to services and supports that are family driven, youth guided and culturally appropriate; andStigma associated with mental illness should no longer exist.You did it! 106,550 Green Ribbons ordered. We have sold out our allotment of ribbons. Thanks to all who participated!!!!!
We have smashed through our goal of 100,000 Americans wearing green ribbons during Children's Mental Health Awareness Week. The response has been fantastic. We are hearing from family organizations, human services organizations, schools, churches and individuals wanting to share the message with friends and neighbors. Don't forget to wear your ribbons!Add your contributions and help us build the website! Federation Chapters and State Organizations across the nation are meeting weekly to share resources and strategize about the effective methods for promoting Children's Mental Health Awareness Week. Here is a great example ~ The good folks from the Parent Professional Advocacy League in Massachusetts just sent in a truckload of great materials. We are still adding them but take a look at what we have posted so far! Check it out, get inspired and share the good work you are doing!National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day materials just added! Click here to go directly to the SAMHSA site!Big thanks to our friends at Vanguard Communications (Caring for Every Child's Mental Health Campaign) for making availabile the materials they have developed for System of Care Communities who are organizing Children's Mental Health Awareness Day activities. There is so much we put it in a zip file. Download it and check out the great promotional resources inside.
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